Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures – An Introduction Workshop for Employers (25 May)

The EU Whistleblowing Directive creates new obligations for employers, with its transposition into Irish law last year. This is an important time for organisations to review their whistleblowing systems to ensure they are in line with the amended Protected Disclosures legislation.

As part of the Integrity at Work programme, Transparency International (TI) Ireland is hosting an online workshop to help employers to review their current systems for dealing with disclosures.

The workshop will address the following questions:

  • What are the duties of employers under the amended Protected Disclosures legislation? 
  • How will employers be required to respond to and manage reports/disclosures? 
  • What support and resources are available to both workers and employers? 

The workshop will be facilitated by TI Ireland Associates:

Gráinne Madden is founder and senior consultant of GMJ Associates, which provides guidance to Irish businesses on responsible business practice. Gráinne’s work includes development of corporate responsibility strategy, non-financial reporting and report assurance, development and implementation of ethical compliance programmes and protected disclosure policies. Gráinne also lectures on Corporate Responsibility to MBA students in Trinity College Dublin and Griffith College Dublin.

Dr Lauren Kierans is a qualified barrister specialising in Whistleblowing Law. Lauren co-authored ‘Protected Disclosures Act 2014 – Annotated Legislation’ with Anthony Kerr (published by Round Hall). She was awarded the governmental project for the drafting of the protected disclosures procedures guidance for public bodies on behalf of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Lauren lectures Whistleblowing Law at undergraduate level and as a Professional Certificate at Maynooth University.


The online workshop will be administered using Zoom. An invitation will be sent to all participants one day before the workshop is due to take place.

About Integrity at Work

The Integrity at Work (IAW) programme has been designed by TI Ireland to help foster workplaces where people are supported to raise concerns of wrongdoing and act with integrity. Our members include government departments, public sector bodies, charities, regulators and companies. IAW events and training provide an opportunity to share best practice, to learn about legal developments and to develop strategies to promote ethical standards and build trust amongst staff and stakeholders.

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