What is Integrity at Work?

Jim Moore, Chairperson, WIT and Willie Donnelly, President, WIT
Jim Moore, Chairperson, Waterford Institute of Technology and Willie Donnelly, President, Waterford Institute of Technology

Support your staff. Safeguard your organisation.

The Integrity at Work (IAW) programme has been designed to help foster workplaces where people are supported to raise concerns of wrongdoing and act with integrity. IAW is facilitated by the Irish chapter of Transparency International (TI) – the world’s leading independent anti-corruption organisation.

When organisations join IAW, they sign the IAW Pledge to protect anyone who raises concerns of wrongdoing from being penalised and promise to take action in response to those concerns. The pledge provides reassurance that your organisation is committed to creating a workplace where people can speak up safely and where wrongdoing is fully addressed.

Members commit to developing supportive and effective systems to deal with reports, and to signposting workers to TI Ireland’s Speak Up Helpline and the Transparency Legal Advice Centre (TLAC). Having access to specialist, impartial advice means that workers are better able to make informed decisions and report concerns in a timely manner through the correct channels.

Who can join IAW?

The IAW programme is designed for organisations of all sizes and from all sectors. Our members  include government departments, public sector bodies, charities, regulators and companies. Members’ events and training provide opportunities to share best practice, to learn about legal developments and to develop strategies to promote ethical standards and build trust amongst staff and stakeholders. 

The programme has been endorsed by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Chambers Ireland, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and the Wheel.

‘Promoting a workplace culture where staff feel safe to raise a concern of wrongdoing is an opportunity for companies to promote ethical standards that protect their reputation and their brand. Businesses that put transparency and trust at the heart of their operations are more likely to retain staff and inspire consumer confidence.’

Ian Talbot, Chief Executive, Chambers Ireland

Learn more about joining IAW.

Previous programme manager Stephanie Casey on the Integrity at Work Programme