Integrity at Work Forum – Getting Ready for the EU Whistleblowing Directive

The next Integrity at Work Forum will take place on 13 April from 9am – 11am. This webinar will inform employers and regulators about the requirements of the EU Whistleblowing Directive which will be transposed into Irish law this year. We are pleased to welcome Kevin Langford, Employment Law Partner at Arthur Cox and Dr Vigjilenca Abazi, Assistant Professor … Read more

Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures – Preparing for the EU Whistleblowing Directive

Workshop for Prescribed Persons and Government Departments Date Tuesday 15 June 2021, 9.00am – 1.00pm Course Description As part of the Integrity at Work initiative, Transparency International (TI) Ireland is holding an online workshop for government departments, and organisations defined as ‘prescribed persons’ under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (PDA). This half-day session will inform participants … Read more

Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures – Preparing for the EU Whistleblowing Directive

Workshop for Prescribed Persons and Government Departments Date Tuesday 27 April 2021, 9.00am – 1.00pm Course Description As part of the Integrity at Work initiative, Transparency International (TI) Ireland is holding an online workshop for government departments, and organisations defined as ‘prescribed persons’ under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (PDA). This half-day session will inform … Read more

The True Cost of Whistleblowing

Many of us are aware of the experiences of high-profile whistleblowers such as Maurice McCabe, but what is the actual cost of speaking out? And who pays it? This article from RTÉ Brainstorm reveals the financial impact of whistleblowing for workers and society at large. Authors: Kate Kenny, Professor of Business and Society, NUI Galway; … Read more

Integrity at Work Week 2020

The annual Integrity at Work (IAW) Conference is the only national event dedicated to exploring how employers across all sectors can foster a culture of integrity within Irish workplaces. Due to Covid-19 restrictions in 2020, the conference was transformed into a week-long series of online events entitled Integrity at Work Week. We were joined by 28 … Read more

Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures – Preparing for the EU Whistleblowing Directive, 27 April 2021

As part of the Integrity at Work initiative, Transparency International (TI) Ireland is holding an online workshop for government departments, and organisations defined as ‘prescribed persons’ under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (PDA). This half-day session will inform participants about their responsibilities under the PDA; outline the recommendations of the EU Whistleblowing Directive which will … Read more